Question Everything - Our Lives Depend on It
Why is it that we can look at drug use by someone and think to ourselves that person deserves to be in jail? And why is it that when we discover that person has a prescription for their drugs, our perception changes? Why do we readily condemn the illegal drug user, but readily accept the prescribed drug user?
Think about your answers to those questions. Do you believe illegal drugs are more harmful? Do you believe illegal drugs are associated with more crime than legal drugs? Do you believe illegal drugs cause more deaths than legal drugs? Do you believe that FDA-approved and doctor-prescribed drugs are inherently better and safer than those that are not?
If you said yes to any of those questions, ask yourself what are those beliefs based upon? Are they based on what someone told you? What the media presents? The ability of legal drugs to be advertised? Belief in the FDA approval process? Belief in the medical system? If so, why? Do you know what the FDA process entails? Do you know what analysis is required for a diagnosis and prescription of a controlled substance? Have you researched the facts about the harms of legal vs. illegal controlled substances? Have you researched the authors of medical studies?
Believing in the above without thought, or questioning why, is the definition of ignorance. Ignorance at the cost of extreme harm and dehumanization of millions of people.
How can we support a system that imprisons the meth user for simple personal possession, while at the same time drugging our children and families with Adderall, a legal amphetamine? All we are doing is blindly supporting the commercial use of drugs and, thereby, the profitability of big pharma and the government, both of whom are bedmates. Our society and the government support and condone drug use, so long as a drug user goes through the commercial process to obtain that drug. If not, that person is a criminal and deserves to be punished.
We have been duped into being the non-compensated advertisers and promoters for one of the most profitable and deadly commercial enterprises in existence – big pharma. We self-police our communities by condemning non-prescription drug use, causing non-compliant consumers (our fellow humans) to feel ashamed, unworthy, and damaged, labeling them as criminals, which affects the family unit, employment, financial independence, our society as a whole and much more, all while big pharma gets free advertising and rakes in trillions of dollars.
We talk about our diagnoses and convince our friends and families to get diagnosed with conditions invented by big pharma. Why? Because it feels good to have a label? Because “now I finally know why I act this way”? We are human. We have human emotions and idiosyncrasies. Why do we allow corporations to label our normal humans experiences as medical conditions? Why is the answer to these alleged conditions almost always a commercial product?
Please think for yourself and stop supporting the imprisonment of non-compliant consumers. Controlling consumerism is an agenda shared by many industries at the cost of the freedom and lives of all of us. Think for yourselves - our lives and the lives of our loved ones and fellow humans depend on it.